Dance performance for all ages 14 and up
Tue, 15.08.23 | 10 am (performance for schools)
Wed, 16.08.23 | 10 am (performance for schools)
Wed, 16.08.23 | 8 pm (sold out)

SHAME MY NAME | Konnective

The affair between Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton, the “nipple gate” surrounding Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake, Gina-Lisa’s lighthearted “Zack, the bean!” and the rape allegations years later. The stories of these three women and their public shaming have been remembered by many through media attention. But how is female shame dealt with in public? The performers of Konnective deal with this question – lustfully, aesthetically and with high physical commitment.

To watch the performance, you need to have a minimum age of 14 years.

Saliha Shagasi, Judith Niggehoff, Sophie Halcour

The performance deals with the theme of sexualised violence.
At one point there are stroboscopic light effects.

TICKETS: or soon at
Sliding scale: 8 – 20 €

Fund for the Performing Arts financed by the Federal Government for Culture and the Media within the framework of NEUSTART KULTUR